Archive | 2013

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a happy 2013
Happy New Year Screenleapers!

Thank you for making last year such an amazing one. We started Screenleap in October of 2011 with a mission: make it as easy to share your screen with someone online as it is for the person to walk over to your computer. With your feedback and support, we made a lot of progress towards that goal last year. Below is a quick recap of the features we launched in 2012 and what you can expect from Screenleap in 2013.

We launched a screen sharing tool that allows your viewers to view your screen from any device with a web browser—without installing any additional software.

We added the ability to share your screen with your viewers by directing them to a personalized user handle (i.e., If you don’t have one already, please sign up to claim your free user handle and see how fast and easy it is to share your screen this way.

We made it even easier to share your screen with the people you collaborate with the most frequently using the Friends List.

We launched a Gmail browser extension that allows you to share your screen instantly from within Gmail.

We launched a screen share API that allows developers to easily add screen sharing to their own applications.

We launched Pro Accounts that provide dedicated servers for faster screen sharing.

The Road Ahead

Looking ahead to 2013, we have a number of features in the works that we will be announcing very soon on this blog. Some of the features that you can look forward to in 2013 include:

Screen Capture Tool (a.k.a. Screenshots)
We know that screen sharing is not always the best way to show someone the contents of your screen and to get feedback. Later this month, we will be launching a screen capture tool called Screenshots that will allow you to easily take screenshots, mark them up, share them with people, and allow them to give you feedback on their own time.

Audio Conferencing
This is one of the most frequently requested features by our users. We will launch a test version of it this month for you to use.

In-Browser Sharing
Our installation-free viewer makes it super-easy for people to view your shared screen—all they need to do is click on a link you send them or type in a share code at the Screenleap website. But we want to make it even easier for people to start sharing their screen. We will be launching a browser plugin soon that will allow you to share your browser window without having to install any additional third-party software—just click a button on your browser to start sharing your screen.

Customer Support Product
The In-Browser Sharing tool will be extremely useful for web-based customer support. Users can share their screens with customer support representatives in seconds with just a couple of clicks without having to leave the page that they are on. We are currently launching our pilot for this feature. Please contact us at support if you would like to participate.

Thanks again for making 2012 such a wonderful year for Screenleap. Wishing you lots of success, health, and happiness in 2013!

The Screenleap Team

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