Archive | 2012

Claim Your Free Screen Sharing User Handle

Three months ago we launched Screenleap to the public with the mission of providing the most fast, simple, and reliable screen sharing product on the planet. Since then we’ve received feedback from hundreds of users, and found that Screenleap is most commonly used for ad hoc collaboration among a regular set of teammates and friends.

As part of our commitment to simplify screen sharing, and in response to requests for features that help teammates and friends collaborate more effectively, today we’re announcing the release of Free User Accounts and Handles (i.e. A handle is a username link that can be provided to friends, or can be bookmarked for recurring meetings. This has been one of our most commonly requested features, and it represents a leap forward towards our vision of making screen sharing more frictionless and user friendly.

Stay tuned, because we’ll soon be adding friends lists to Accounts so you can share screens with friends and teammates just by clicking their names like you do with instant messaging.

Claim Your Free Screen Sharing Handle

You can claim your free user handle by signing up using our Hacker News promo. Visit this link:

New Screen Sharing Account with Handle

Account Login

The Account Login page gives you the option to “Share my screen”, which allows you to start a single-use screen sharing session. This is a good option for private screen sessions. Or to “Broadcast my screen”, which allows you to start a session visible at This is a permanent link that your friends can bookmark, but be careful because when you’re sharing, anyone with the link can see your screen.

Screenleap Login Screen

Start a Screen Sharing Session

Click “Broadcast my screen”, then be patient and wait a few seconds until the applet permission box pops up. Check “Allow all applets from “” with this signature, and then click “Allow”. Note, you must have Java installed on your computer to reach this point. Java is not installed by default on Mac Lion. Make sure you have Java installed, otherwise, you will not be able to proceed.

Grant the Screenleap Applet Permission

Share Your Screen Sharing Handle

Once you’ve started broadcasting your screen, you can direct friends and teammates to your personal screen sharing link.

Share Your Screen Sharing Handle

End Your Session

Always be sure to “Stop Sharing” when you’ve completed your screen sharing session. If your meeting ends and you continue sharing, this could lead to accidentally sharing something you intended to be private.

Stop Sharing When Session is Finished

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Save Time Using Free Screen Sharing

Top 10 Ways to Save Time Using Free Screen Sharing

Top 10 Ways to Save Time Using Free Screen Sharing

For many years the market for screen sharing has been dominated by corporate uses such as virtual meetings and remote desktop support. But with the emergence of free, light-weight screen sharing tools such as Screenleap (, its now possible for almost anyone to benefit from screen sharing in their daily life.

With Screenleap, there’s nothing to install, provided Java is already present on the host’s computer, and sessions can be viewed from any device with a browser, including smartphones and tablets.

Below is a list of our top ten favorite ways to save time using the new free screen sharing service from Screenleap.

1) Ad-Hoc Collaboration at Work
With the ability to start screen sharing sessions in under twenty seconds, and no applications or accounts required for viewing, Screenleap is an ideal solution for ad-hoc collaboration at work.

2) Booking Travel with a Companion

Booking travel with a companion can be difficult if you’re not in the same room, or if your companion is on the go. Easily share the results of flight searches in real time, and companions can view the travel options you’re considering from anywhere with a web enabled mobile device.

3) Photo Sharing

Launching a screen sharing session allows you to quickly display photos from your desktop to someone you’re speaking with over the phone without the hassle of uploading, downloading, sending, or importing.

4) Co-browsing Facebook

Show what’s happening inside your Facebook account to friends and family without giving them login credentials.

5) Monitoring Your Computer While You’re Away
Sometimes you don’t have time to wait while something is taking a long time to finish on your computer. For example, when downloading large files, running a batch process, installing software, or having someone complete work on your computer. Screenleap allows you to monitor what’s happening in real time from another room or away from your computer from your smartphone.

6) Personal Broadcasting
Social media mavens can broadcast what’s happening on their screen to their Twitter, Facebook or Blog followers. Screencasts can be for demonstrations, tutorials, or simply allowing other people to watch you work.

7) Managing Remote Workers and Virtual Assistants

Increase efficiency when managing remote workers and virtual assistants. If remote workers are being paid hourly, they can be instructed to leave Screenleap running for you to monitor and check-in on periodically throughout the day.

8) Supporting a Tech-Challenged Loved One

Sometimes all you need to do is see the computer screen of a tech-challenged loved one in order to solve their computer problems.

9) As a WebEx alternative or Fall-back
When you have a high stakes client meeting or sales demo, its always wise be prepared. Screenleap gives you a super simple backup plan in case your WebEx software doesn’t work out.

10) Train Friends at Online Gaming
Start a session while you’re playing an online game and then train your friends while they watch you play.

Do you have any additional ways you like to save time using screen sharing? Share your suggestions in the comments below. And if you haven’t already, please try out one of these time savers by visiting the Screenleap Home Page.

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What is Screenleap?

Screenleap is a free web site that enables you to share what’s happening on your computer screen with anyone with a web browser, instantly. Viewers can see your screen from any device, including tablets and smartphones. There are no downloads, installs, fees, or sign ups required.

Super Simple Screen Sharing from Screenleap

Super Simple Screen Sharing from Screenleap

Just visit the Screenleap home page to start a session, then share the link or PIN code with your friends or colleagues, and viewers can begin seeing your computer screen instantly.

Screenleap is most useful for ad-hoc collaboration, but people use Screenleap for other purposes: remote computer support, sales demos, virtual meetings, long distance relationships, personal broadcasting, remote training, sharing photos, team projects, making travel reservations, and as a free alternative to Webex and GoToMeeting.

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